
Thursday, December 10

My Dirty Little Secret

its been a while since the last post. since then, are there a lot things happen? i bet not, therefore there was no post for the past month.

nothing happen, its just another plain me & another plain of month. no nothing !!!

i just couldn't sleep tonight. thinking of what i done in the past just make me realize how much of time i wasted over the stupidito and the idiotido i done. yup, there is no way of turn back time. but i had to admit what i did was so cruel. when you disappointed your love one, its make its double right.

to be honest, i been dismissed from the varsity last june. yup !!! i got dismissed !!! meaning i got kick out from the varsity.

only a few know...

and i carry on the burden all alone...

regret ? a lot !!! pain ? its here & there !!! scar ? still couldn't heal !!!

I'm not here to complain. i never complain for what had happened to me. as for me there is no need to complain. in life, we the one who choose our path. if there others who influence me to do what i done, i don't blame them. cos at the end of the choosing process, i the one who choose what i wanna do.

during that period, i done a lot that i never dream to do. i done a lot of wrongs, either from the religion prospective or social life. i betray the trust of my parent for sure. regret ? there a lot to be count.

for what had happened, there must be a reason for it. i may only guess what is/was the reason... but Allah always know the best for me. because of Him and the support of my parent, i still survive getting through His 'test'

yesterday morning, i got a text message from a friend of mine, telling me that the result for the new semester intake just come out. the good new was, my name is one of the people that been accepted. alhamdullilah... but its gonna be a new course... something that close to my heart but i never realize it.

i know, maybe you ain't gonna read this post till the end, or maybe you gonna say that im lucky, or its just "cakap pandai a !!!"

but what i try to say is...
  • (i) never ever lost faith in God, for what happen to me, you & us... He always know the best.
  • (ii) in life, please don't give up. its doesn't matters what you did/done/happens, if it not according to what you want just don't give.
  • (iii) lastly, if you want people treat you as an adult, start be an adult. not try to be, you wanna try, you sit. its time to do thing the right way, not your ways. start to take responsibility !!!
that it for now.

salam sejahtera semua !!!

selamat mengharungi satu hari lagi dalam kehidupan ini.

cheers mates !!!


sya_ais said...

salam bro...
miss u...
patut la msg n dlm text tu da tulis
"C U"
dah agak dh masa dpt msg tu..
hope 2 C u soon...
luv n miss from ur little sis yg comel ni..

Unknown said...

salam kembali shayunk !!!

miss u too !!!

ahhaha... mana ada rasa dapat, ni pun baru tau semalam... rezeki kot... alhamdulilah la dapat....lama sangat dok menunggu nak blajaq balik ni...

ahhaha... nanti boley la ang bawak tour jalan2 kat KL nor... blanja makan n tengok wayang ehheheh :p

c u later shayunk ....

Shukstarz said...

congrats wei!!!!!!

alhamdulillah..dpt jugak..

averyone has their 2nd, this is your 2nd chance!
don't regret it, but strike it TURKEY!!

huhuhu...terbahasa bowling plak..

btw, GOOD LUCK!!

Unknown said...

thank mates !!!

cant wait to start THE NEW WORLD !!!

heheeh... i will for sure !!!

btw, do come to kl mates !!!

cheers !!!

mint heartnet said...

go go go!

Unknown said...

abang mint cullen... im new around here !!! nanti ley a bawa p jenjalan pusing2 pavi ea :D

Shahidah said...

happy for you!!!
gambatte ne! jia yo! bon chance!

mint heartnet said...

adik acap, nanti abg pm bwk pusing2 um ye.. kita p mkn nasi lemak wedges mapley..

Unknown said...

shedah : thank a lot !!! ;)

mint : abang, wedges bukan ada kt mcd je ker (ayat seorang freshman yg aku kenali)

aschroft_17 said...

aSlmkm..hye bro
lme x berbcara bsame.. sori if have some trouble wif u either realz o nope..hu3 keep moving n aja2x 4 evrythng..
Allah doesn't require us to "Be the Best", Allah just wants us to "Do your best" and Allah will take care of the rest... peace!!! (~~,)v

Unknown said...

salam kembali acap !!!

hheheh... biasa a tue lama xborak2... sume orang busy...

lets meet & keep things up to dates