
Saturday, October 17

A Speechless Girlfriend - A Clueless Guy - A Jealous Friend

A Speechless Girlfriend - A Clueless Guy - A Jealous Friend

An Indonesian - A Malaysian - A Sabahan
p/s: could this show how mess at that time the relationship between the three state based on the their face expression
(ignore this p/s)

this is one of my favorite picture of the year, maybe its gonna be one of the all time picture i ever have.

what do you think really happen (i) during this moment, (ii) before this moment & (iii) after this moment. if you asking me, i can tell you that i love what happen during all that moment. even though i was on the field before the pic taken, i keep looking at the bench for what happening there. for those who close to me, they may know what is all about.

this is what happen when two close people in my life are not really 'in' for each other. if you in my situation, what would you do ? as for me, at that time of moment i don't know what should i do.

but if there is a movie, about a guy who wish to please everyone around him, especially those who close to him, can this picture be the poster for that movie?

i don't really know what should i write about right now. I'm alone, i drink a glass of nescafe, i ate a lot of banana just now & i'm watching Ada Apa Dengan Cinta.

and again, I LOVE THE PICTURE !!!


Z a F said...


azam shah said...

knpe datin jeles?

Unknown said...

zaffy : zaff !!! chumel for you guys !!! merana for myself... torn apart by these two particular people !!! hahahah

azam : atong !!! datin pantang tengok aku ngan pompuan/org yg cam pompuan/ noq/ lelaki lembut/ lelaki !!! haaahhaahhah !!!

Mazlina said...



one vote from me

Unknown said...

mash !!! why don't u produce satu movie & jadi kan i sbg poster boy die :D

brilliant idea right ?

iamstradust said...

kah kah kah

funny sial

Z a F said...

abg acap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sy pn ske gamba tu

next wk study week..
gi la 4th.
xda la keseorgn.
kita gi mkn meatball..
u gt balls?? hehehe..

Unknown said...

i went there, but u aint here yani ;p

star-piz said...

credit untuk org yang amek gambar, wakaka