
Thursday, October 1

Even Angel Falls

miracle [ˈmirəkl]

1 something which man is not normally capable of making happen and which is therefore thought to be done by a god.
2 a fortunate happening that has no obvious natural cause or explanation.


it is something that i always believe in. its just come when nobody doesn't expected... when it come, it just come. you'll never know. yup... there is a time when i hope miracle happen but its didn't. but still deep down inside of me, there still a believe it will happen sooner or later.

alhamdullilah... there been a miracle happen to me lately. even though its not that what i really want, but it give me hope... a little of hope. i guess a little will never harm me. if thing goes right, i know its Allah will but if its not, i still believe that its not the time yet to get what i wish for.

i been through a very rough path this year. the road that i step on is not so clear and straight. regret ? no i don't. cos i know, for what had happen... the one who choose the path is me and not anyone else. therefore, there is nothing to regret for. it is a learning process. life learning process is not easy, sometime to understand its, you need to learn it from the hardest way around. as for me, i learn a lot this few month... more than things that i learn before.

to be honest, my life is not so great, its not an easy way around, its not what i wish or dream off. but i don't wanna to complain. damages had been done. there is no way that i can turn back time. I'm sure that i will going to get through this mess sooner or later. and i believe time will heal all those cut, but the scar will always remind me so i won't do the same stupid mistakes again.

btw, selamat berhari raya. enjoy all the open houses that you are going to visit. eat healthy food and don't worry about gaining weight.

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